Gateway Garden Club
Gateway Garden Club
of Martinsburg, West Virginia

    Constitution and By-Laws

    Article I– Name:

    The name of this club shall be Gateway Garden Club.

    Article II– Object:

    The object of this club shall be to stimulate the knowledge and love of gardening among amateurs and to provide community service as agreed by a vote of the membership.(Amended March 12, 2009)

    Article III – Membership:

    Section 1.Membership in the club shall consist of three classes: active, associate, and honorary.Membership shall not exceed twenty active members and five associate members.  The associate members must have been an active member for two years. Members who have been in the  club at least ten years and are not able to serve as active or associate because to health or special circumstances may be put on an honorary membership list and will not be required to pay dues.

    (February 9, 2012)


    Section2.  The name of a candidate for membership shall be filed in writing with the membership committee by one active club member and seconded by another.  (February 9, 2012)


    Section 3.  When a vacancy is announced, the filing of candidates for membership may be made at the next meeting.  New members may be elected at the meeting following announcement of vacancy.   Candidate(s) receiving positive votes of two-thirds of the active membership by ballot, text or email shall be invited to become members in accordance with club’s quota. (Amended Oct 2022) Amended March 1998)(Amended July 9, 1998) (Amended March12, 2009) (February 9, 2012)


    Section 4. An active member having more than three absences a year shall be reviewed by the Executive Board.


    Section5.  An active member unable to participate in the club because of illness, full-time employment or other circumstances that interfere may request associate membership.  This request must be submitted in writing to the Executive Board.  The Board will have the sole authority to grant this request. (Amended October 9, 1992)


    Section 6.  Associate members may maintain associate status on a yearly basis only.  The request will be reviewed annually by the Executive Board.  Associate members will have no vote.  They may have hostess privileges when possible.  (AmendedMarch12, 2009)


    Section 7. Former members, having resigned in good standing and associate members,now able to accept the responsibilities of active membership, may at their request be placed on a preferred membership list, entitling them to fill the next vacancy in the club.  Should this occur simultaneously, associate members will precede former members on the list. 


    Active IV– Officers:


    Section 1. The officers of the club shall be President, Vice President, Recording secretary, Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer.  The officers will be elected for two years.


    Section 2. The officers, past president, chairman of the Program Committee and the parliamentarian shall constitute the Executive Board. (Amended 11, 2002) 


    Section 3. The Executive Board shall bring, to be voted upon at the January meeting, one nomination for each office with exception of the retiring Vice President who shall become President-elect.  

    (February 9, 2012)


    Section 4. It shall be the privilege of the members to add names to the ballot.


    Section 5. The President-elect shall appoint committee chairmen within one month after election.  Officers and committee chairmen will take office in May.


    Section6.  An officer vacancy will be filled by Executive Board appointment to complete the term.


    Article V– Dues:


    Section 1.  The annual dues of $32.00 for active members and $15.00 for associate members shall be payable at the May meeting.

    (Amended March 1996) (Amended March 12, 2009)


    Section 2. Any member who has not paid her dues by the September meeting, two notices of failure to pay having been given by the treasurer,shall be removed from the membership roll. (Amended March12, 2009)


    Article VI– Meetings:


    Section 1.  Roberts Rules of Order will assist in providing order.  (Amended March12, 2009)


    Section2.   Regular meetings shall be held the second Thursday in each month.  If a member is unable to attend, the member must notify the hostess in order to be excused.  The hostess is to give the list of those who called to the secretary. (Amended March 1998)  The meeting policy will be if the schools are closed due to inclement weather, there will be no meeting that day.  School opening delay will not affect our meeting. (Amended April 1999) 


    Section 3. Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the President.  The president may request a vote by members by e-mail on matters of urgency.(added Oct 9, 2014)


    Section 4. The June meeting shall be considered the first meeting of the new year.


    Section 5.   Any member who wishes to bring a guest to a meeting must request the permission of the hostess. 

    Section 6.   A minimum of twenty-five dollars will be paid to guest speakers at meetings. (Amended Oct 2022) (added Oct 9, 2014)

    Section 7.  Meetings are to be held at the member's residence: if the hostess chooses an alternate location, she is responsible for the expense.    (added Oct 9, 2014)


    Article VII – Committee:


    Section1.  The chairmen of standing and special committees shall be appointed by the President during her term. (Amended March1998)


    Section 2. The standing committees may be: Program,Judging, Finance, Flower Arrangement and Exhibit, Horticultural, Conservation,Library, Membership, Yearbook, Publicity, Photography, Telephone,Parliamentarian and House and Garden Tour. (Amended March 1998)


    Section 3. Program chairman and committees shall be appointed in February in order to complete the program schedule for the coming year.


    Section 4. The program committee, the judging committee and the President must present their respective yearbook data to the yearbook committee by May 1.


    Article VIII – Amendments:

    The Constitution and By-Laws maybe amended at any regular meeting by a two-thirds vote of the members present,provided a copy of the proposed amendment has been read at the previous meeting.


    A special By-Laws Committee shall be formed as needed by the President to address any proposed changes and/or updates to the By-Laws. (Amended March12, 2009)


    Article IX – Quorum:

    Quorum shall be defined as two-thirds vote of the active members. (Amended Oct 2022) (Amended March12, 2009)